Rib Altair Seating

Price incl. VAT (20%) £346.00
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Product Details

RIB Beds For
VW Campervans

At Camperworx ltd our preferred choice of seat bed would be the RIB Altair. This versatile product is rapidly becoming the most popular and one of the best seating systems for campervans on the market. The seating system provides the highest safety standard with upmost comfort. It is fully tested and certified, with maximum safety and provides two to three seating positions with integral 3 point seat belt harnesses to each position. Bespoke upholstery is available in a variety of choices in high quality fabric and leather of various colours, designs and patterns to suit your camper design.

The RIB seat can be quickly transformed into a bed in seconds by flipping over the front and back cushion allowing for a perfectly flat comfortable bed. This unique versatile bed has a rear cushion that reclines in multiple positions. The RIB seat is mid mounted in the vehicle, providing luggage space to the rear of the vehicle unlike other models of beds.

The RIB Altair seat comes in two lengths 1860mm and 1940mm with a high back rest and is available in a number of widths to suit most conversions. The most popular seating widths are, (104cm 2 seater) (112cm 2 seater) (130cm 3 seater) (150cm 3 seater)

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Rib Altair Seating

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